Monday, November 14, 2011

Plane Ticket: Purchased!!

It's official: I just booked my flight from DC to Miami for January 8, 2012!! From there I will meet up with other Worldteach volunteers and fly to Costa Rica.

That means: 58 days til I leave for Costa Rica!!!!

The countdown begins.

(As always, THANK YOU for visiting this blog! If you are willing and able to make a contribution in support of my time volunteering in Costa Rica with Worldteach, please see my donation page.)

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Dear Costa Rachel Readers,

I have excellent news: As of last Friday, Nov. 11, I have raised $4,474 towards my goal of $7,000 by the end of December 2011. This is incredible and would not have been possible without you!

This means that:
$2,526 left to raise!

If you or anyone you know might be interested in helping me meet my fundraising goal, please contact me at and see my donation page for instructions. THANK YOU!!)

As many of you know, I love to play guitar... And sometime in mid or late Deceber, I am planning to host a concert for all those who contributed to my efforts. :) It will be wonderful to see everyone and thank you all in person!